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Race Management - Jaguar Timing System

Premier Timing Systems has acquired the state-of-the-art Jaguar Race Timing System, using the latest RFID hardware and software technologies to read signals emitting from the chips. Jaguar is available in many configurations.

The Jaguar platform contains a timing system case that contains our high speed readers, network interface, computer system, power supply and backup battery. The Jaguar System comes with antennas and an arch which can be used at your starting line, checkpoints and finish line. The chip is read by our antennas placed overhead and to the side of your start and finish lines. This means that there will be no messy mats or ramps on the ground that often creates a tripping hazard for runners. 
Jaguar has a complete software solution that makes it easy to manage your event. The software includes;
  • A database for race registrations
  • Tracks runners throughout the race and allows you to automate the creation of real-time reports during the race
  • Provides real-time updates to your Race MC as the run/walk progresses

In addition, the software can also export race results to third-party programs and spread sheets, making it easy to work with your race information.

In short, Jaguar makes it easy to manage every event detail. Best of all, the system is designed to provide high redundancy. That means that you can be assure of accurate results, even when timing a large marathon or triathlon with thousands of participants. 


Race Management

Jaguar Timing Systems


Accurate Timing

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